There is also a story behind this milk mustache. Charlotte's mother added the following comment to her photo during the contest:
I know you may be thinking this is not a big ole milk mustache, but believe me, this girl can make one of those! This photo makes me choke back tears because it was taken at one of Charlotte's recent trips to the U of MN Children's Hospital... That day we had lunch at the hospital cafeteria and had to rush off to one of her appointments. After she chugged her milk, not wanting to waste a drop, she reminded me, "Don't you know how hard dairy farmers work, Mom!?"...Charlotte is always excited to go into classrooms and read books to other kids about dairy farming and do butter and ice cream making demonstrations. This photo is her salute to hard working dairy farm families.We want to thank our other two finalists, Treyson and Rylee, for sharing their great milk mustaches with us, as well as all the other kids and parents that submitted a photo this year. And of course, we appreciate all of you who helped us celebrate June Dairy Month by "liking", sharing, and commenting on these photos. Next year will mark our contest's 10th anniversary, and we hope that it will be our biggest one yet.