We are finally having more cows freshen than the are drying off, so our milking herd size is beginning to increase. Milk production (per cow) is also continuing to improve, albeit slower than what we would like. More of our cows are showing stronger "heats" in the cooler weather, and our conception rates are probably on the rise.

And while this has been a good week, we are still facing some very real challenges. with our feeding program. Our purchased feed costs have continued to rise, offsetting the gains we've made on our milk price. We're currently looking at different nutritional options for both our heifers and our cows, and it might be more profitable to sacrifice some milk production as long as we don't sacrifice overall animal health.
Whatever happens, we'll do our best to just roll with the punches and make the best of the situation. My family has been able to do that successfully on our dairy farm for nearly 60 years, and I don't see a reason to change that now!
This is not my forte, but I know my husband has gone to using corn gluten in the feeders' feed. I will ask him if he has any other tips. the higher corn prices is a good news/bad news for the cattle farmers!
it seems there is always something when it comes to farming, but that's what we do best - something. It has a way of working out after we all put in a good deal of work. Be blessed.
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