However, there are some things we do at that we shouldn’t be willing to throw away for the sake of reducing government. For example, we check to make sure that the scale at the grocery store cash register is calibrated to weigh your meats and vegetables; we inspect gas stations to make sure you are getting your dollar’s worth; we license your pest control companies. Are we really willing to sacrifice the sense of security we have as consumers for the sake of “reducing government”
We have fought the battles of food labeling – so you would know where your food comes from; we stopped fish and consumer products from entering this country because of harmful ingredients and chemicals; we expanded trade of Alabama agricultural products around the globe; we championed the development and use of alternative fuels in this state when no one else was talking about ethanol and bio-diesel. I don’t think we can or should stop doing those things that help every consumer in this state every day.
There is something I will breathe new life into – and that’s learning how to manage our water resources. It is going to take some bold leadership. It will take input from production agriculture, from agribusiness and from consumers. We have enough water; we need to learn how to make it available when we need it. I have made this the centerpiece of my campaign. If we can put a man on the moon, as we did more than 40 years ago, surely we can figure out how to manage our water resources!
With 40 years experience in business, some great years giving back to my community as mayor, and serving in the capacity I have at the Department, I’m ready for the job of Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries in 2010 and I ask for your support.
Thank you.
bio (provided): I’ve been a farmer nearly all my adult life; my brothers and I own an agribusiness in Covington County which includes one of the only privately operated grain elevators in Alabama. We raise peanuts, cotton and pine trees – and we understand what it means to compete. I was elected to two terms as mayor of my hometown, Florala, and I’ve served as Deputy and Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries for the last seven years. I’m ready to lead our state as Commissioner.
As Assistant Commissioner I have been director of The Center for Alternative Fuels, Light Weights & Measures, Heavy Weights & Measures and Plant Protection divisions within the Department. I have been a Certified Crop Advisor for decades. I know agriculture, I know the Department, I will lead us into the next decade. I ask for your support in November.
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